Chris M Harder

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The Adventure Begins

Several months ago I received a succession of messages from a good friend of mine and another person I had never met before.

"We want to start a snowboarders DTS (discipleship training school) here in Vancouver and were told that you should help pioneer it."


A week after that conversation I was heading to Vancouver to meet with this mystery person at the Youth With A Mission base for an interview.  We sat in a cafe across the street from the base and chatted for a couple hours about my story, her story and the vision for starting a snowboarders' DTS with YWAM Vancouver.

Back story... February 2003, I'm sitting at the desk in my room at a conference having some down time with a note pad processing my thoughts and the week so far.  Then something clicks and I start writing -  God's talking to me about things and I'm putting them to paper.  He starts giving me a vision about starting a discipleship training school for snowboarders and skiers at a ski resort somewhere in BC.


All of a sudden my life's vision comes into focus.  Having grown up in the Church I was very familiar with the concept of ministry and training people for it.  However, having grown up in the Church, the paradigm was that if I wanted to reach young people I HAD to become a youth pastor - no "ifs", "ands" or "buts"... it's what you did.  And besides, snowboarding was a worldly pursuit, fun but that's it.  At least was my understanding.


My vision has stayed roughly the same over the years.  There have been a few snippets where I have engaged in walking out some part of this amazing dream, but never in it's entirety.  Until now!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

This conversation started in June, my application was processed in July and here we are in August: getting prepared!

What does this mean now?

We are in the process in sorting out schedules, speakers, ministry opportunities, staff, students and outreach; there is lots to do and only a few months in which to do it before the students are set to arrive at the beginning of January.

Am I feeling a little overwhelmed?  Only when I think about it!

The most daunting part is the financial aspect: balancing my student loans and the knowledge that God has provided for me very significantly in the past!

At this point, these are about all the details I have available, however, if you would like to receive more information, such as how to support me financially when the time comes, please fill out the form below and you'll be added to my MailChimp list!

Thanks for your prayers and support as this journey kicks off!

Our home mountain for the winter, Mt Seymour, during our first prayer walk.

See this form in the original post