Last week I watched a talk on Heaven In Business by Tom Deuschle.
He was talking about prosperity in the Kingdom: socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and yes, materially as well.
Tom shared part of his story to open. He was a missionary sent by the Catholic Church to Zimbabwe. During this time he became an utter basket case, constantly worried about finances.
"God taught me how to not beg for money. Fast from looking for checks in the mailbox. I was 2 months behind on my rent and lost a lot of weight."
Through a series of obedient moments of generosity, Tom began seeing very significant harvest to the obedience he had been sowing.
Lately I've found myself worrying a lot about finances! I see the mountain in front of me and feel paralyzed.
"I repeat it: Don't let worry enter your life. Live above the anxious cares about your personal needs. People everywhere seem to worry about making a living, but your heavenly Father knows your every need and will take care of you. Each and every day he will supply your needs as you seek his kingdom passionately, above all else. So don't ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom realm with all its promises!"
- Luke 12:29-32 (Passion Translation)
Tom summed it up really well: "Just do what [God's] calling you to do and He will take care of the rest." He changed his letters from, "Please! Any little bit will help! If you can find it in your hearts to give..." to "Wow! Here's what I'm doing with what God has called me to do! Isn't He amazing!" and all of a sudden he found himself without lack.
God isn't a slot machine where if we put in enough good things like generosity and obedience perhaps we'll get lucky and He'll give us something in return. He's actually a good father who loves to give His kids good gifts! Be they emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, material...
So what am I going change in my life with this new revelation?
For one, gone is the "begging" for money. I feel like the emails I've been sending out to my supporters have largely consisted of worrying.
Secondly, my strategy is turning from: "Here are all my needs, please help me!" to "Here is what I'm doing with the 'talents' God has given me! Feel free to partner if you'd like!"
So here's what's been going on in my life over the past few weeks:
- Weather dependent, we've been riding at Mt Seymour 1-3 times per week bringing the Light of the Kingdom with us
- Filming lots for our promo video for next year's Snowboard & Skiers' DTS
- I've been teaching myself the joys of Adobe After Effects and motion graphics
- I almost broke my knee a few weeks ago landing badly off a jump but thank you Jesus, and everyone who was praying, it's as if the accident never happened!
- We were at MissionsFest here in Vancouver this last weekend connecting with the masses
- I'm heading to Japan with another SDTS staff member in March for 11 days to connect with YWAM Tokyo and another ministry called Northstar Lodge to check out some possible locations for our outreach next year
I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I absolutely love what I'm doing! I work in an extremely positive environment with great people. I'm organizing a ministry/snowboarding trip to Japan! When I'm not filming, photographing, designing or editing... um, well, that's most of my week! Oddly enough, I'm really enjoying working in Vancouver!
And all of this without pulling a salary! But I love it, and it has only caused me to start thinking creatively about how I can make a living!
As my brother in law put it, "My photography really didn't start taking off until I gave myself no other choice but to become good at my craft."
"Each and every day he will supply your needs as you seek his kingdom passionately, above all else."
How am I going to live my life in such a way that I will prosper in all ways?
Behind the scenes